Trek Brewing Company

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Go West

Last week we told the beginning of our craft beer journey. We celebrated our beginnings with a tap-takeover from Listermann Brewing Company. You guys – the beer is incredible. We had a great weekend and loved sharing our story with you all. This week we’re moving on from Cincinnati, to the next chapter of our craft beer journey – the West Coast. We got married in Granville and then immediately headed out to Seattle to start our lives together. It was there that our craft beer journey really took off. Armed with just a little knowledge of brewing from his […]

In The Beginning

Maybe it’s the teacher in me, or maybe the desire to hear a good story goes back even further than that. At any rate, I’ve discovered one of my favorite things about bartending at Trek is hearing all of your stories. I love to know where you’re from, and what your weekend plans entail. I love to hear about which breweries you love, and which you’ll never go back to again. I enjoy hearing you all talk about the things that you are passionate about, and I love to hear your craft beer journeys. I especially love it when I […]

July Update 1

Hello again friends! Happy July!!! It’s been an amazing couple of weeks. We’re all a little tired today, recovering from our Fireworks for Good Party and our appearance in the Granville Fourth of July parade. The Fireworks for Good Party was INCREDIBLE. We had a really fun night, with over 135 guests plus a whole bunch of children. We raised over $650 for Habitat for Humanity’s Mid-Ohio The House That Beer Built. The taproom was packed and we had a great time. The fireworks were awesome, Moe’s was awesome, it was really just an awesome night all around. We can’t […]

Fireworks For Good Party

So, I debated for awhile about what I was going to write about this week. As I’ve told you before, sometimes the topics don’t come easy to me. But, as I was thinking about all my possibilities for tonight I just kept thinking about our Fireworks For Good Party. And, it struck me that this is what I should be talking about today. In just a few days we’ll be opening our doors on a Tuesday evening.  This is weird for a couple of reasons. First, we’re only open right now on Fridays and Saturdays. And, second, because I’ve been […]

Trek June Update 2

Hey guys!!! Welcome back to Thursday!!! We’ve ALMOST made it to the weekend– and all signs point to the fact that we’ll probably make it there in one piece. We’ve had a great couple of weeks at Trek, and it’s time to give you guys an update! We’ve continued construction on our 15bbl system. I had no idea the scope of all that was involved in getting this system up and running, but like all things at the brewery, I’m learning a ton. John assures me that we’re ACTUALLY almost done. The glycol chiller (glycol is a chemical compound used […]

What’s In Our Fermenters June 2018

Hey there friends! What a week it’s been! Suddenly, it’s Thursday again and it’s time for me to give you an update on our beer situation at Trek! First, I want to talk to you about our NEW BEER RELEASE happening TOMORROW! Though it’s technically no longer in our fermenters, John just kegged it today so we’re counting it. Our Coffee Cream Ale is hitting the taps for the first time TOMORROW at 3pm. This beer officially combines the two best beverages in the world to bring you something that is so refreshing you can’t get enough. We fermented our […]

Trek June Update 1

Hello out there! You guys… it’s June. Anyone else feel like the months are speeding by CRAZY fast? I swear to you, these days are so epically long, but the weeks and months are flying by. Maybe it’s just us. We’ve had a lot of big changes over at Trek in the past couple of weeks, and it’s time to give you all an update! First, our taproom continues to do great. We’ve had some really wonderful weekends, and we’ve really enjoyed getting to know everyone coming out to do the Columbus Ale Trail. It’s really such a fun thing […]

The House That Beer Built

When we decided to take this giant leap of faith to open Trek Brewing Company, one of the first things that John and I talked about was that we wanted to be a driving force for good in our community. As we drafted our business plan we kept that ideal at the heart of what Trek is all about. You can find it front and center on our webpage: “At Trek we believe great people and great beer come together to do incredible things. We’re committed to producing exceptional beers and supporting our community in our family-friendly taproom.” We’ve talked […]

What’s In Our Fermenters May 2018

Hello again friends! Happy Thursday to you! We’ve had so much going on that the days seem FOREVER long but the weeks are flying by. Time is funny that way I guess. The last two weekends have been our best weekends yet, and we’re excited to keep that trend going! We’re really loving getting to chat with all of you while you’re enjoying some pints. I have to say that I LOVE stamping the ale trail passport– it’s one of my new favorite things to do. I’m always interested to hear about the different stops on the trail, and I […]

Trek May Update 2

Happy Friday Eve! This week has been a real doozy for me, and I’m SO ready for the weekend to start! The past couple of weeks at Trek have been incredible, and I can’t wait to update you on all the things we’ve been up to! We expanded our hours, and the past two weekends have been AMAZING. We’re now open on Friday from 3pm-10pm, which means your weekend starts earlier. Everyone loves that, right? We’ve particularly enjoyed getting to know our neighbors from State Farm and the Energy Co-op. On Saturdays we’re open ALL DAY from noon until 10pm. […]