Trek Brewing Company

News & Events

Upcoming Events

  • Sep 21
    OSU vs Marshall
    Sat 12:00PM
    OSU vs Marshall! Come watch at the BEST spot in Licking County. It's Oktoberfest week at Trek! We've got some great specials for you this week including a Pork Loin Sandwich, Beer Brats w/Kraut served on Pretzel Bun with beer...
  • Sep 25
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Oct 2
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Oct 9
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Oct 16
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Oct 23
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Oct 30
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Nov 6
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Nov 13
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Nov 20
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Nov 27
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Dec 4
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Dec 11
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!
  • Dec 18
    Trivia at Trek Brewing
    Wed 7:00PM
    Trivia with host Steve Spoo is the most fun you can have on a Wednesday! Wear your smarty-pants and grab your friends. Come in for dinner and drinks- we hear it makes your brain work better!

Latest News

Third Annual Run With A Point!

It’s time to get your tickets. Okay friends, so here’s a confession for you. I WANT to be a person that WANTS to run. I have several friends and relatives that actually really enjoy it. They are constantly signing up for 5k’s and half marathons- some of them even real marathons… on purpose. I’ve tried for several years to be a person that likes running, but the fact remains- I’m not. I am, however, very much a person that likes fun tee shirts. I’m also a person that likes great beer. And, I’m a person that likes supporting awesome organizations. […]

Gingerbread House That Beer Built

You guys- IT’S TIME. The Gingerbread House that Beer Built is BACK. Tickets for this taproom and family-favorite event are on sale starting TODAY. We hope you’ll join us on December 3rd from 1-4pm. Bring your fam, bring your friends, come build a gingerbread house AND support the Licking County Coalition for Housing. Your $15 ticket gets you a gingerbread house-making kit (comes with all the candy and decorating supplies you need!) and a $5 donation to this awesome community powerhouse. Going to the Granville Christmas Walking Tour? Make it a full day of family fun! Come in and grab […]

The Run With a Point

In college, I joined the crew team because I figured that I wouldn’t have to run very far in a boat. I enjoy swimming for the same reason, there’s little to no running involved. With this background information it might come as a shock to you guys- but, I hate running. That being said, I do have a fair amount of jealousy toward all my runner friends that finish 5k’s left and right. They have cool runner swag and they talk about runner things and what a great time they had at these cool events. You guys… I want in. […]

Three Years!

Hey Trek Fam, Three YEARS. It seems both unbelievable, and like it just always was. We are filled with gratitude for all of you that support us as we chase this crazy dream. We had a killer party on Black Friday to celebrate. John worked his butt off and had 2 completely new brews (3rd Anniversary Ale and Blueberry Cream Ale) along with launching our new Expedition Series. Also on tap were our 1st and 2nd Anniversary ales, and it is super fun to taste these side by side. In addition to amazing brews, we also had great food from […]

Halloween Candy and Trek Beer Pairings

Happy Trick or Treat friends! As most of you know, John and I have two boys who have pretty much been vibrating with excitement in anticipation of today. Halloween is the absolute peak of awesomeness in the mind of a young kid. They get to dress up in superhero costumes, go knock on the doors of the people they are never allowed to bother, AND they get candy? It’s no wonder that it’s the best. Tonight, after John and I put our little superheroes to bed, we’ll do what most parents of small children do… go through their candy and […]

Trek Together: 1500 Trees

Hey friends! Well, it’s October. It might be my secret favorite month of the year. I love EVERYTHING about how beautiful it is in Ohio in October. I mean- have you looked at the sky at sunrise? And how about the trees here? They are just absolutely stunning. Speaking of the trees- our Trek Together partner for October is a newer local nonprofit called 1500 Trees for Life. This group was formed as a mission of the First Presbyterian Church of Granville, and they are committed to planting 1500 trees in the next 5 years in open space throughout Licking […]

Trek Together for Hospice

Hello! Happy September! I realize it’s been a minute since I’ve written a blog post. I’m hoping they will become more consistent again as the world thinks about getting back into something of a “new normal”.  *Hold please while I knock on ALL THE WOOD that I can find in the house*.  This summer I also transitioned into a new job which allows me more time to work at Trek as well. The first thing that I want to tell you about this month actually starts TONIGHT. It’s our weekly Trek Together program. For the month of September, we partnered […]

Team Trek Brewing rides in Pelotonia this weekend!

5 awesome team members created the FIRST Trek Brewing Company Pelotonia team, and they ride THIS WEEKEND. We’re beyond proud of John Ream, Jon Johnson, John Leonard, David Clark and Megan Bobel.  All but Megan are riding the new 35 mile loop from New Albany through Granville and back.  Megan is going to be riding the 50 mile from Columbus to New Albany. We’ll be cheering for them every mile of the way, but if you’re interested in seeing them on Sunday we’ll be cheering along Broadway (near the intersection of Main and Broadway) in Granville. We’ll be raising funds […]

April 2021 Happenings!

Hey Friends! Can you believe it’s April already? Yeah- me neither. After last year of seeming to repeat the same day for at least 7billion days, this year appears to be FLYING by. Life is SLOWLY returning to semi-“normal” whatever that is now. John and I are beyond thankful to be almost a week out from being fully vaccinated (go team Pfizer) and we are excited to see that life is really returning to the taproom. We’re still making sure that we are maintaining our exceptional standard of cleanliness, and we continue to adhere to all social distancing recommendations. We’re […]