Trek Together for SASS
Happy Thursday! Thursdays are quickly becoming one of my favorite days… not only because it’s Friday-eve, but also because it’s community night at Trek! Every single Thursday we’re giving back to the community that surrounds us through our Trek Together program. That’s right, every Thursday Trek donates $1 from EVERY pint we sell towards making the world a better place. Sometimes we don’t have a specific organization that we’re giving the funds to. On those nights, the dollar per pint goes into our Trek Together Community Fund. But, tonight, we happen to have an awesome organization hanging out with us.
The Licking County Health Department does many incredible things that I didn’t know about. One of their projects is SASS. SASS stands for Screening and Survivor Support, and it’s helping women and families who are impacted by Breast Cancer in Licking County.

“SASS’s mission is to educate Licking County residents on the importance of early detection as a key to breast cancer survival and provide those diagnosed with breast cancer the assistance to maintain and improve their quality of life.
SASS provides referrals and free mammograms and further diagnostic screenings for under/uninsured women age 40 and up, women with personal or family history of breast cancer, or a medical need.
SASS provides information, referrals and opportunities for social support if a Licking County woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.
SASS is staffed by the Licking County Health Department with funding from generous local donations by individuals and groups through the Public Health Partnership of Licking County.”
Licking County Health Department
Tonight, we’re going to be one of those local donations, and we’re hoping to make it huge for SASS. Come out and share a couple of pints for a good cause. BDogz hotdogs will be outside with their awesome grilled dogs in case you’re hungry.
Tell your friends and come join our journey. We’re changing the world for the better, one beer at a time. It’s worth the Trek.
Cheers friends!