Trek Together: For Patrick
Hey Friends! It’s Thursday again, and today’s blog post is a short and sweet call to action. As I’m sure most of you have heard by now, Patrick Gangwer passed away on Monday. The news is shocking and horrific. I won’t pretend that John and I knew him well… we didn’t. We met only a handful of times. But, I will tell you that in the few interactions that we had with him, Pat was memorable. He was kind and funny, and he had an almost magnetic personality. He was a guy you wanted to spend time with. Both John and I are dismayed that we didn’t get to know him better.

We grieve alongside his family, his Three Tigers family, and also with the rest of the Ohio Brewing community. I said in my last post about Patrick, that he was the heart of the Licking County Brewers, and I meant it. Our hearts are broken now over the loss of this larger-than-life personality.
As helpless as we all feel in situations like this, there is something that we can do. There is still a massive fundraising effort going on to support Patrick’s family. Patrick leaves behind a wife of 20 years, and three children. They need our help to ease the extreme financial burden that cancer leaves in its horrific wake.
Tonight, our Trek Together will support Patrick’s Go Fund Me. We’ll be donating $1 from every pint sold from 5-9 to this cause. Our Trek Together program was created to help us be a vehicle for good in the world. Sometimes bad things happen to really darn good people. And it sucks. Trek Together helps to be that spark of good in the midst of the dark.
Come out tonight and join our journey. Help us surround Patrick’s family with support. We’ll see you from 5pm to 9pm. Star City Sliders will be hanging out with us for your dinner, so we’ve got that covered too.