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Hey Friends! Happy Happy Thursday! Happy March! I can’t believe that March is here already, but the calendar suggests that to be true. We’ve had an unbelievable two weeks at Trek, and I can’t wait to tell you everything we’ve been up to. We’ve finished the first phase of work at Trek. Our taproom is 99% complete. (We’re still working to get the draft beer taps coming straight out of the wall from our new cooler.) The amazing mural is up and looks awesome. All our AV equipment is up and functioning, including a digital menu, music, and multiple TV’s. […]
Do you guys remember last month when I had the awesome idea that I should do a monthly feature about what’s in our fermenters? Guess what. Today’s the day. But, before we get to that, I’m going to take a second and tell you guys that the dream is actually real now. We’ve had a small soft open. There were people other than John and I and contractors (and family) inside Trek Brewing Company. These people even seemed to enjoy themselves. They also purchased Trek Brewing Company beers. Which means, we did it. We opened a brewery. We’re pretty over-the-moon […]
Hello again friends! Its Thursday again which means that it’s time to update you on all of our progress. It has been an extremely busy couple of weeks for us! First and foremost, we are finally through ALL of our inspections and we’ve got ALL our permits. We passed our building inspection first and got our occupancy permit. After that, we passed our health inspection. Once we had our health inspection we were able to apply for our A1A permit. Yesterday, we got word that we had passed our A1A as well. This means that we’ll be able to not […]
Some of you know that I’m the director of a preschool 40+ hours a week. There are a lot of people that seem surprised by this fact, and the surprise comes with the wonderment – “how can you be both a preschool director and someone who sells beer?” I guess that the two just don’t seem all that at odds to me. You see, the craft beer community is changing the conversation about beer. I’ve talked before about being a part of the “Craft Community”, and I’d like to expand on that a little bit today. Early this summer, I […]
Hey Friends! It’s Thursday yet again! And… it’s also February. I know this, because I started to write January Update 3… and then realized that tomorrow when this post goes live, it will be February. It has been an exciting couple of weeks for Trek! We’re racing toward that finish line now, and it’s incredibly fun and also incredibly scary to be at this point. We can see the end, and now we’ve just got to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep checking off those boxes. Speaking of getting things checked off, we had our […]
Hello again friends! I realized two weeks ago when I was writing about what’s in our fermenters that we never did a style spotlight on the Cream Ale. Since that will be one of the first beers that we offer at Trek, we obviously need to correct that. The American Cream Ale is a crisp, refreshing ale. It is straw colored, and light bodied. The Cream Ale is a great “gateway” craft beer, as it shares some similarities to the American Light Lager. It’s got subtle hops and malt, and is a great easy drinking beer. The mid 1800’s brought […]
Somehow Thursday is here again. The days are speeding past, and they are incredibly full. Time flies when you’re having fun, and at this point we’re pretty sure that time just flies when you’re just too busy to know your name. At any rate, it’s time to update you all on our progress in the past two weeks! First, the painting at the brewery is done! It looks amazing! We’re in love! Lots of exclamation points! But really, it looks great. We’ve chosen a sage green for the walls in the taproom, lobby, and bar area. The trim work is […]
Hey Everyone! Happy Thursday! It’s been another awesome week at Trek, and we’ve had a lot of things going on. We can SEE the finish line, and we know it’s coming soon, there are just still a few hurdles that we’ve got to get over before we reach it. I don’t know how long you guys have been on this journey with us, but if you’ve been following Trek from the beginning, you’ll notice that EVERY SINGLE THURSDAY since March 13th, I’ve written a blog post. I love writing them, and, I love getting to connect with you guys on […]
Happy Thursday again friends! We hope your holidays were wonderful, and that you had a great time with family and friends. We’ve had a great couple of weeks at Trek, and we’d love to update you all with our progress. Right before Christmas we received our Ohio Brewing Permit, and so on Christmas Eve we began brewing. John has filled all our pilot system fermenters, and at this point we’ve got a batch of Pale Ale, Cream Ale, and a Vanilla Stout currently fermenting away. As soon as they’re done in the fermenters they’ll be kegged and we’ll continue to […]
Well guys, it’s Thursday again. It also happens to be the very last Thursday of 2017. Is anyone else stunned by how fast this year has flown by? It seems fitting in our last post of the year to take a little bit of time to reflect on the year. January 2017 Trek Brewing Company officially became a company in the state of Ohio. We filed our paperwork with the federal tax and trade bureau, and we began our paperwork for the state of Ohio. February 2017 In February, we began design work of the brewery with Compton Construction, and […]