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Drink Beer = Do Good

It’s been said “He who holds the beer holds the power.” It’s also been said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” At Trek, we choose to accept both of these things as fact.

We know that bringing amazing beer to our community will put us in a unique position to do amazing things, and we’re ready to embrace it from day one. In fact, it’s right there in our philosophy: “At Trek, we believe that great beer and great people come together to do incredible things. We’re committed to producing exceptional beers and supporting our community in our family-friendly taproom.”

As I was leafing through our New Brewer magazine (an awesome perk of being a Brewers Association member) I found an article that caught my eye. The article is titled “Craft Beer for a Cause”. It goes on to say that American craft brewers donated $73.4 Million dollars to charity in 2016. I don’t know about you guys… but I feel like that’s pretty awesome.

The best thing is, I don’t doubt that number for a second. When I started to think about it, I realized that I can think of a ton of awesome projects that breweries are a part of, from canning water for natural disasters, to community clean up projects, to weekly community happy hours… the craft beer community is stepping up in neighborhoods across the country.

We are proud to be a part of this amazing group of brewers. We’ve talked a lot about our passion to build our local community as well as our passion to serve that community. We’ve got a few organizations that have sent us emails about our Trek Together program – but we’d LOVE to have a long list of organizations to partner with. If you know of a non-profit that could benefit from exposure at Trek, fill out our request form, and we’ll be in touch soon!

“Craft brewers give in a multitude of ways. These American brewing entrepreneurs and risk takers strive to build culture and community, putting people and principles ahead of profit. Craft brewers go above and beyond to help make the planet a better place by contributing time and again to the charities that matter.” – Julia Herz, Brewers Association.

That friends… that is what it is all about. We are planning to build a better world, and we’ll do it with you… one great beer at a time.

Cheers friends!