What’s In Our Fermenters? June ’19
Hey guys! Happy happy Thursday! It’s been an awesome couple of weeks, and we’ve got so much to look forward to! These summertime nights have been so much fun. If you missed out on Tyy Perkins— you really missed out. Our first live music event leaves a lot for everyone else to live up to. Tyy was incredible. We can’t wait to have him back! We are starting to book more live music events, so keep watching Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our webpage to stay up to date with those events.
Things at Trek are slowly starting to get into a rhythm for John. As we ramp up in the taproom and with events, he’s also ramped up his brewing, and he’s currently brewing one to two days a week.
It’s been awhile since we’ve done a what’s in our fermenters post, so we’ll fill you in. There’s a lot of exciting beers about to hit the taproom!
Our 15bbl fermenters house our tried and true recipes. In these big guys we’ve got our core lineup, as well as customer favorites. We’ve got a batch of Solo Hike being kegged right now, and Trail Majik is bubbling away. About to finish up is a batch of Sainte Terre Saison. That’s right guys, it’s coming back! The Sainte Terre is a crowd favorite, and it’s a perfect summer sipping beer. The name comes from one of our favorite quotes by John Muir,
“I don’t like either the word [hike] or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains – not ‘hike!’ Do you know the origin of that word saunter? It’s a beautiful word. Away back in the middle ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and when people in the villages through which they passed asked where they were going they would reply, ‘A la sainte terre’, ‘To the Holy Land.’ And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers. Now these mountains are our Holy Land, and we ought to saunter through them reverently, not ‘hike’ through them.”
John Muir-https://www.stillnessspeaks.com/john-muir-parable-sauntering/
We invite you to saunter through this beer, which is best enjoyed with friends or family playing games or chatting on the patio.
In our pilot system we’ve got a couple of NEW brews coming your way. First is a summer shandy. A Shandy is a beer blended with a non-alcoholic beverage, usually a lemonade or a ginger ale. Trek’s first Shandy is a wheat beer blended with a lemonade. It’s refreshing and delicious. A lower alcohol style, it’s a perfect session beer for a hot summer day.
Finally, we’ve got a new SMaSH series beer. SMaSH: Hunger is a single malt and single hop (SMaSH) beer brewed with Marris Otter malt and Pacifica hops from New Zealand. This delicious brew will be our charity tap, and $1 from every pint sold (at any time, not just our Trek Together nights!) will go to the Food Pantry Network of Licking County. A SMaSH beer is a perfect way to begin to understand the differences between types of hops and malts. Usually, beers are blends of several of both ingredients, so a SMaSH beer is pretty awesome. Awesome beer with an awesome impact? We’re all about it.
We’ll keep you updated with beer releases on our social media accounts. You’ll just want to keep on coming in and checking it out. We’re always brewing up something interesting, and we’re excited to take you on that adventure with us. Come on in and have a few pints soon. It’s worth the Trek.