Trek Update Spring 2019
Hi guys! Happy Thursday! We had an amazing and relaxing holiday, and we’re hoping that you all did too. As we were having way too much food and watching our kiddos jump in the pool at our parents house, we were reflecting on how very, very good this journey is. I realize it’s been forever since we talked about any general updates, and thought we could take a week and fill you in.
We’ve been open and fully operational now since November 23rd, 2018. In the six months of full operations we’ve seen a tremendous amount of growth. We started in November with 10 beers on tap, and we’ve done a great job of trying to keep new and interesting styles of Trek beer on since then. There’s currently 8 beers on tap, and we’re getting ready to put on another couple in the next few weeks. John has amped up production, and we’re also going through a LOT of beer on a weekly basis. It feels amazing to actually have a full tap list of our own brews, and we love having a wide variety within that taplist.
We’ve also added two more members to team Trek. In March we added Mia and Mike, and they have become wonderful additions to our team. We now have a mighty staff of 5 bartenders plus John and myself. We’re thankful to have THE BEST staff supporting us, and we love that they share our vision for Trek. They are hard- working and wonderful and we couldn’t do this without them.
We’ve also grown our beer sales outside the taproom. The grand opening brought growler fills, and we’ve recently added crowlers to that lineup as well. The crowler is a 32 oz can, and it’s the perfect “one nighter.” Trek crowlers travel well, so you can take one with you in your checked bag, or even in your hiking backpack! We are on tap currently at two retail locations, as well as at a few homes in the area. Yes, we do sell kegs for home enjoyment as well! We’ll be expanding our reach into more area restaurants in the next few months.

Finally, we’ve grown our taproom into a real “third space”. We’re really starting to live out the vision that John and I had always hoped Trek would turn into. We’ve got groups gathering for HOA meetings and book clubs. We’ve had groups for bible studies and board game nights. We’ve had countless numbers of birthday parties and casual get togethers in our taproom and we couldn’t be more pleased.

We also have events that happen EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Wednesday night is our trivia night. Steve Spoo is the host, and it is the most fun that you can have on a Wednesday. Trivia starts at 7pm. Winning team takes home a $20 gift certificate from Trek. If you haven’t been, you need to come in and try it, because it really is a lot of fun. Thursday night is Trek Together night. Every Thursday, Trek gives $1 from every pint that we pour between 5 and 9pm back to an organization that makes the world a better place. If we don’t have a partnering organization for the evening, the funds go into the Trek Together Community Fund, which we have established to help us make larger charitable donations to different projects within the community. We’re hoping to be a driving force for good within the community and we’re thankful that our Thursdays keep growing bigger and better all the time.

All in all, the past six months have been an incredible journey. We’re constantly learning new things about running a small business, and we are having SO MUCH FUN. Sure, there are days that are really stressful. It’s more long hours than we even knew could fit into a week. There are no sick days, and when something breaks, we’re the ones that have to fix it. But, the reward of building this from scratch is just indescribable. We love getting to know you all from across the bar, and we can’t tell you how much we appreciate that you’re sharing in our journey. This Trek is just getting started, and we can tell that we’ve got many many more awesome adventures ahead. Come join us, and dream up your next adventure at Trek.
Cheers friends! We’ll see you soon.