So, there’s this song that has been on repeat in my brain since Sunday. It’s by Ben Rector, and it’s called “When a Heart Breaks.” I’ll link to it on youtube, so you can get it stuck in your head also. It starts with, “Woke up this morning, and I heard the news, I know the pain of a heart break. I don’t have answers, and neither do you, I know the pain of a heart break…I heard the doctor, but what did he say? I know I was fine about this time yesterday. I don’t need answers, I just need peace. I just need someone who can help me get some sleep… This isn’t easy, this isn’t clear, you don’t need Jesus till you’re here…” You see, on Sunday morning, I was in a security line at the airport in Seattle when I read Patrick Gangwer’s post sharing that he has Stomach/Lower Esophageal Cancer. And my heart broke for him and his family, and also for his brew family.

I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Patrick over several brewing events, and he’s about as genuine as they come. Patrick is the head brewer at Three Tiger’s Brewing Company in Granville. He’s a staple in the Ohio brewing community. He’s big-hearted and he’s funny. He’s a good husband. He’s a good dad to three kids. He is the heart of the Licking County brewers.
When the Licking County breweries won the award for the collaboration of the year for the 9 of Hearts beer, Patrick was the one that accepted the award on behalf of all the brewers. He talked about being a part of an industry that is supportive and collaborative, and how we’re all more awesome together. He spoke about how the craft beer industry works to do good things in the community and to help each other. And, it’s the honest truth.
Today across Ohio, 43 breweries and counting (plus even more restaurants!) are all pulling together in a massive fundraising effort to support Patrick and his family through this fight. We are more awesome when we work together. We work to do good things and support our community and the people that we love. We are #Gangwarriors #ToPatrick.
At Trek, we’re extending our Trek Together program to go the entire day today. $1 from every single pint sold during our open hours will go to directly to Patrick’s fund. You can help ease the extreme financial burden on this family, just by coming in and having a pint with us. Drink good beer, and do good in the world. It’s pretty easy. We’ve also got Star City Sliders hanging out with us, so if you’re in the mood for some dinner while you’re here, we’ve got that covered too. (These sliders are pretty much the best- don’t miss it!)

It’s heart-breaking news this week. But, Patrick is ready to fight, and he’s got an entire community behind him. You can stay up to date on his journey by following the facebook group. We’ll be following it as well, and we’re happy to share info across the bar. Come Trek Together with us tonight. We’re excited to join this incredible outpouring of love for one of our own.
We’ll see you tonight. It’s worth the Trek.