Fireworks For Good Party Recap
Oh hey guys! I hope you’ve had an awesome week. We definitely did. The 4th of July is one of my favorite times of year, and even though its super busy, it’s always so much fun. We had an absolute blast at our Fireworks for Good Party this year, and we wanted to just spend some time recapping that event.
It was a dark and stormy day, and we started off slowly. We were just starting to get afraid that the rain was going to keep everyone away, but then, everyone showed up. And we mean everyone. The taproom and bar areas were packed. The patio was packed (even in the rain). We opened the event room. It was awesome.
Steve Spoo hosted an incredible game of trivia. We had 14 teams playing, and the questions were all patriotic themed. Team Pineapple Salsa took home the win. I don’t mean to brag, but I happened to be on team Pineapple Salsa. It was totally my Tom Petty song lyric knowledge that won it. (This is a total lie… the Tom Petty answer was one of two answers that I was confident about in the ENTIRE game, the rest of my team was awesome.)
While trivia was going on, you all managed to raise enough for food for an ENTIRE YEAR for one student by donating to the YMCA’s dipjar for the Healthy Kids Network. How awesome is that? Because of you guys, there’s a kid that won’t be hungry this school year.
In addition to the dipjar, you guys drank a lot of pints. We raised an additional $290 dollars (MORE THAN A YEAR OF FOOD) from our Trek Together donations. That’s 58 weeks of food for one student, or 58 students that don’t have to worry about food for a weekend. And you know what guys? That feels good. We are making a difference… one beer at a time.
And… we ate. We ate well. Poppy’s Roadside Diner was there with the best diner food in all of Licking County. It was delicious. It was all-American. It was perfect for the evening.
The rain let up finally, and we got to see the fireworks from the brewery which is just a great way to see fireworks. Lots of people stayed on the patio to watch, while several more retreated to their camp chairs and cars. It was fun to watch with everyone.
Fireworks at Trek Fireworks at Trek
We still have a few of the amazing American Hop shirts left! We’re giving $5 from every shirt back to the Healthy Kids Network. These aren’t just perfect for 4th of July, they are perfect for anytime you need an awesome super-soft shirt.
All in all, the Fireworks for Good Party was as awesome as last year. It lived up to the hype, and we’re excited for next year’s party!
If you missed out, you’ve still got a chance to check out all kinds of incredible events coming up at Trek. Every single Wednesday is Trivia night from 7pm to 9pm. We’ve got our community night on Thursdays- changing the world one beer at a time. (Tonight we’re supporting Pelotonia Team FLOB!) We’ve got awesome food trucks on Fridays and Saturdays. (This Friday is a NEW TRUCK: Radio Fryer, and Saturday Poppy’s is back!) We’re starting to book some more live music. This Saturday is the James Christopher Band Drink to Donate Tour. Music starts at 6:30pm. You won’t want to miss it.
Come on in and join our journey. It’s worth the Trek.